STEMconnector’s What’s Working? Virtual Resources
While this is a challenging time for businesses, families, and individuals, particularly those who are now homeschooling their children while in many cases working remotely themselves, many of STEMconnector’s members have resources available to help create seamless virtual learning opportunities for K-12 students.
Building on our What’s Working? Series where we share best practices across our network, we released a special installation focused specifically on virtual K-12 learning resources across our network in a webinar series and one-pagers.
Building and sustaining successful programs and initiatives in STEM talent development, whether through working with youth programing, targeting hidden talent pools, or developing the skills of early workforce entrants from overlooked communities, requires patience, drive, and long-term thinking. This reference guide showcases only the beginning of what we know we can accomplish as a network, and we look forward to continuing to share and learn from each of the organizations we are fortunate enough to work with. Together, we will eliminate the nuanced gaps in STEM talent.
Members included in the series:
- The Actuarial Foundation
- Discovery Education
- The Franklin Institute
- Imagine Learning
- Lab Exchange
- Learning Blade
- Mind Research Institute
- Museum of Science
- Tata Consultancy Services
- TGR Foundation