STEMconnector’s What’s Working? Series
The driving force of STEMconnector’s value is our cross-sector network of passionate leaders who are dedicated to building a diverse and sustainable STEM workforce. Whether industry, nonprofit, or postsecondary, our members understand that no one sector has a monopoly, and that collaboration across boardrooms, classrooms, and communities is key. By sharing the initiatives, collaborations, and general best practices happening across our network, we hope to learn from each other and continue to grow and scale our progress.
Building and sustaining successful programs and initiatives in STEM talent development, whether through working with youth programing, targeting hidden talent pools, or developing the skills of early workforce entrants from overlooked communities, requires patience, drive, and long-term thinking. This reference guide showcases only the beginning of what we know we can accomplish as a network, and we look forward to continuing to share and learn from each of the organizations we are fortunate enough to work with. Together, we will eliminate the nuanced gaps in STEM talent.
Members included in the series:
- Abbott
- Arlington Independent School District
- Base 11
- Black & Veatch
- Boys & Girls Clubs of America
- BP
- Linde
- Micron
- Northwestern Mutual
- Sigma Xi
- Tallo
- Talent Path
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Verizon