Roadmap to Results
Please note this is a member only resource. If you are a STEMconnector member, please CLICK HERE to access the report.
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Questions are an integral part of the scientific method and everyday life; the pursuit of solutions to the STEM talent crisis is no different. Approaching solutions to the STEM talent crisis requires us to have a full and nuanced understanding of the fundamental, complex nature of the problem.
STEMconnector’s newest signature research report, Roadmap to Results: A Framework for Selecting and Executing STEM Talent Solutions is focused on answering a range of questions—fundamental, aspirational, practical—both for our members and the field. This report sets out to provide a framework employers can use in selecting and executing solutions to the STEM talent crisis, both for their own business needs and for society at large.
Roadmap to Results sets forth a process for determining the solutions to meet corporate STEM talent strategy goals including defining “return” and identifying and deploying available capital. The Roadmap to Results also shares how to execute each solution for maximum impact, including attending to dosage, depth and breadth of intervention, and embedding equity throughout the work.