STEMconnector Blog
STEMconnector Supports Diversity & Inclusion
“The greatest achievement of humanity is not its works of art, science or technology, but the recognition of its own dysfunction.” -Eckhart Tolle We are proud that STEMconnector’s chief mission has always been to create a diverse and inclusive workforce which empowers people from all walks of life to change the world for …
Connected Storm Sanctuary Design Thinking Mission Presented by U.S. Cellular and JASON Learning
Many of us are currently at home and juggling work, family life, and the care and education of your children. We understand how difficult it is to keep your children engaged in their education while at home. A wonderful way to keep them excited and engaged is through project-based learning, …
American Heart Association: Celebrating the Future of Science Virtually during COVID Crisis
This blog post was guest written by our partners from the American Heart Association. The American Heart Association’s annual Advancing Sciences event brings high school students out of the classroom and into an environment where they can experience hands-on learning with leading science, med-tech, and engineering professionals from across Minnesota. …
Contextualizing STEM in the Real World and Redefining Failure
Students learn fire dynamics from Dan Madrzykowski, Ph.D., Research Director for the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI) Middle school is a time of social, emotional, physical and learning transitions. In order to keep students engaged, we must demonstrate to students that the material they are learning is both relevant …
STEMConnector at Workplace Forum’s 32nd Annual Conference
The Forum on Workplace Inclusion held its 32nd Annual Conference from March 10-12th. Hundreds of industry leaders and educators came together in Minneapolis, Minnesota on being updated on how to include diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The Forum provides vital connections to industry experts and leaders. STEMConnector had the …